For a European strategic industrial autonomy
Over the last few months, Europe has faced an unprecedented health and economic crisis, which has exposed major vulnerabilities and in particular our overdependence in several critical and strategic sectors. Today’s geopolitical realities force the EU institutions to redefine a new industrial strategy that is fit for the 21st century.
In the face of increased international competition and in a fast-growing global market with new needs, Europe must strike the right balance, one that fosters innovation, competitiveness and leadership.
First and foremost, competition rules must be adapted to current challenges in order to maximise the potential of our industries.
Setting up new legal tools such a digital tax or a carbon border adjustment mechanism will help further protect Europe’s economic interests. Access to the Single Market must be in line with European standards and values so as to strengthen the continent’s strategic autonomy all the while preserving the advantages of an open economy. This is what the European Commission is promoting through its concept of “open strategic autonomy”.
Paving a new industrial path for Europe involves setting new objectives. This new industrial approach must first of all be more circular with disruptive technologies for greener and digital industrial production.
The EU is currently building its recovery plan aiming to increase its investment capacity in strategic sectors.
The EU should modernise and decarbonise its energy-intensive industries and boost investment in renewable infrastructure. To become more competitive and self-sufficient, the industry will need a secure supply of clean and affordable energy.
The EU should strengthen its industrial capacity in the digital world. The pandemic has shown how important it is for Europe to have access to the best physical and digital infrastructure. Building a safer and more inclusive digital society calls for a regulatory environment that fosters innovation and supports the development of new technologies and applications; as such, Artificial Intelligence is one of the keys to European competitiveness in the digital age.
The EU should increase its investment in the space sector if we are to develop a sustainable European space industry and foster synergies between civil, space and defence industries to pool resources and technologies. The “European preference” should secure and strengthen the European space industry along with its strategic autonomy.
The EU should regain its health sovereignty and build the Europe of Health, with the adoption of strong measures. Regaining our health sovereignty, in critical areas such as pharmaceuticals and food, remains essential to build resilience in order to ensure supply for Europe.
The EU’s industrial transformation through an ambitious green and digital transformation strategy must help strengthen Europe’s competitiveness on the world stage, create new quality jobs and develop new solutions for tomorrow’s societal challenges.
Progress often emerges from crises. Now we’ll see how Europe leverages the current crisis to unleash its political and economic leadership.
Laurent ULMANN
- Setting up a model to revive the European industry based on the battery alliance
, Vice-President, European Commission - Building a stronger, more resilient future for Europe today
, Commissioner for Internal Market, European Commission - Strengthening the EU’s resilience and strategic autonomy
, French Minister for Economy and Finances - An industrial policy geared towards future-proof sectors
, MEP (EPP Group), Chair of ITRE Committee - A joint action towards a European recovery
, Generali Group CEO - The pandemic presents an opportunity to recolour industry green
, Vice President of the European Investment Bank - Climate-neutral and circular economy solutions are key to building a sustainable recovery for Europe
, Chief Executive (CEO) of Borealis - How trade policy could better facilitate the transition towards a greener, fairer, and more responsible economy
, MEP (Renew Europe Group), Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Committee on International Trade - No resilience without sustainability
, MEP (S&D Group) Member of the ENVI Committee - Giving rise to new European industrial leaders capable of ensuring Europe’s strategic autonomy
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - European Batteries, a Proven Piece of the Clean Energy Transition, and a Booster for the Economic Recovery of the Continent
, Chief Executive Officer of EIT InnoEnergy - Sustainability is EU’s competitive advantage in battery rivalry
, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - A Circular Economy Action Plan for strengthening the industrial autonomy of Europe
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ECON Committee - Chemical recycling: a contribution to the EU strategic industrial autonomy
, CEO of CITEO - Hydrogen, the key to decarbonising our industry: the example of energy-intensive sectors
, Secertary General of Hydrogen Europe - Increasing Europe’s Energy Autonomy: Offshore Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
, MEP, (Renew Europe Group), Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety - Green Hydrogen – Chances and Challenges for a competitive, sustainable transport sector?
, MEP (Renew Europe Group), Vice Chair of TRAN Committee - Large-scale decarbonisation solutions for a climate neutral industry and jobs in Europe
, IOGP, Regional Director Europe - Strengthening European resilience in the manufacturing and supply of medicines
, Executive Vice President, Global Industrial Affairs, Sanofi - Let us not wait for the next crisis to regain European health independence
, MEP (Renew Europe Group), Member of the ENVI Committee - Response to European Parliament’s Resolution on medicine shortages of 17 September 2020
, Chair of EFPIA Supply Chain Working Group - The EU recovery package and the 2021-2027 budget: useful levies to foster a European strategic autonomy?
, MEP (Renew Europe – France), Member of the TRAN - The risk of picking winners
, MEP (EPP Group – Portugal), Member of the ITRE Committee - The crisis should cement our commitment to the Green Deal and hasten the need for a green, digital and resilient recovery
, MEP (Renew Europe – Denmark) Vice-Chair ITRE Committee - Strengthening Europe’s industry as an engine for growth and a catalyst for the green and digital transformation
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the IMCO Committee - Deployment of Artificial Intelligence is key to European competitiveness
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - Fostering greater connectivity across Europe
, MEP (Renew Europe Group), VP of European Parliament, Member of the IMCO Committee - Shaping Europe’s Digital Future
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - A cybersecurity strategy for a strong and sovereign digital Europe
, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - ECSEL JU – Securing Europe’s future through impactful RD&I in electronics
, Deputy Head of Unit for Communications, ECSEL Joint Undertaking - Why is the aerospace & defence ecosystem the right level for the industrial strategic autonomy?
, Senior Vice President, Head of EU & NATO Affairs, Airbus - Implementing the European Defence Fund and the Action Plan on Military Mobility
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the SEDE Committee - Advocacy for more investments and less naivety in European space policy
, MEP (Renew Europe Group), Member of the ITRE Committee, Vice-President of the Sky&Space Intergroup, Vice coordinator Renew of ITRE Committee - Vulcan Energy: Decarbonising and de-risking the European Electric Vehicles Supply Chain Starts with Lithium
, Vice President of Vulcan Energy
- Setting up a model to revive the European industry based on the battery alliance