Guaranteeing Cybersecurity: Ambitions for a European Cyberspace
Today, cybersecurity ranks at the top of the Commission’s and Parliament’s political priorities and has become a major concern for citizens, ranging from the violation of our right to privacy to the threat of terrorist attacks.
In this context, the EU must create a safer European cyberspace for all.
President Macron’s 2018 Paris Peace Call for Trust & Security in Cyberspace is in line with this approach and promotes a collaborative action to better secure our political and economic environment.
With the growth of e-commerce, the development of artificial intelligence and the increasing number of connected devices it is essential to foster a culture of safety in our increasingly interconnected societies.
In September 2018, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a Regulation establishing a European Cybersecurity, Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre, which aims at creating an eco-system of expertise by promoting the development and deployment of cybersecurity technologies.
The European Commission has also just adopted a Regulation, called “Cybersecurity Law”, to strengthen the (budgetary) capacities and competences of ENISA, and will be in charge of certifying cybersecurity in the field of ICT in order to avoid market fragmentation. It will also be responsible for coordinating the exchange of good practices within Member States and raising awareness about cybersecurity among citizens and businesses.
The creation and implementation of a binding and independent European Cybersecurity Certification Framework for products and services operating in critical sectors of our economy (transport, energy, health, banking, etc.) is paramount in order to build trust and security.
Moreover, the EU is keen to invest €1.8 billion in cybersecurity through public-private partnerships to boost competitiveness and innovation capacities in order to ensure a sustainable supply in the cybersecurity sector in Europe and strengthen our independence.
This issue of the European Files highlights the digital revolution our societies are currently experiencing, which is characterised by the speed with which we are confronted with innovation and new threats. Protecting the data of individuals and businesses by ensuring safer products and services is essential in order to build trust, and thus foster an open, interoperable, secure and reliable cyberspace.
Laurent ULMANN
- A revamped ENISA – the EU’s cybersecurity agency
, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, European Commission - Creating a political standard for Cybersecurity in Europe
, Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission - Strengthening Cybersecurity Capacity: A European Obligation
, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, Germany - Cybersecurity is a collective struggle
, French Minister for Digital - Guaranteeing Cybersecurity in Europe: Ambitions for a European Cyberspace
, Minister of Interior, Slovenia - Cyberspace and the fight against terrorism: New challenges, new tools
, European Counter-Terrorism Coordinator, European Council - Objectives for a secure future in digital services for Europe
, Minister of Transport and Communications, Finland - Secured European cyberspace: Stimulating the Ecosystem through financing
, Vice President of the European Investment Bank
, Vice President of the European Investment Bank - The government’s role in collaborative risk management
, Director, Cybersecurity, Ministry of the Economy Luxembourg - Cybersecurity as an enabler of Digital Innovation
, National Cyber Security Policy Director, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, Estonia - Developing an ecosystem in cybersecurity: Increasing capacity to support and protect a digital economy in the European Union
, Director General, DG CONNECT, European Commission - Cybersecurity: Four steps in the cyber space
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the LIBE Committee - ENISA Leads the Way for a better Cybersecurity in Europe
, Executive Director, ENISA - Guaranteeing a safe European cyberspace: a shared responsibility
, Director General of ANSSI, the National Cybersecurity Agency of France - A new certification framework for Europe: building trust in digital technologies with the new Cybersecurity Act
, MEP (S&D), ITRE-Committee and Shadow-Rapporteur on the Cybersecurity Act - Enhanced cyber-security is vital for europe’s energy infrastructure
, Director-General for Energy, European Commission - Keep the “Trojan” horse out: energy transition requires enhanced security for grids and data
, Secretary General of Eurelectric - Process-based Security Certifications Are the Right Fit for The Digital Economy
, Chief Security Officer, SAP SE - Cybersecurity Act: New Momentum for Europe
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - Driving security in uncertain times
The Charter of Trust for a secure digital world
, Global Head of Government Affairs at Siemens AG - Cybersecurity in AI and Robotics: The importance of a protective EU framework
, MEP (S&D Group), Chair of Working Group on Robotics, European Parliament - Education as a tool against cybercrime
, MEP (S&D Group), Coordinator in the ENVI Committee - Cybersecurity standards are a priority!
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the IMCO Committee - For a more secure environment for information transmission and consumers
, European Data Processing Supervisor (CEPD) - Big problem, little action
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, Deputy Director General, BEUC - Security in the digital age: can Europe hack it?
, Director-General of DIGITALEUROPE. - Cybersecurity: “work in progress”
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee, Chair of the European Internet Forum - The success of the digital transformation of organisations will require cybersecurity
, Director of Strategy and Public Affairs, Orange Cyberdefense - Multi Stakeholder Participation to Lead European Research and Innovation for Cybersecurity
, Chairman Management Board, Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation - A global strategy for cybersecurity in Europe, competences and investments
, Member of the French Parliament and Co-rapporteur of the Assemblée national Study Group report on « Blockchains, a matter of sovereignty » - Cybersecurity for space activities
, European Space Agency, Director of Industry, Procurement and Legal Services
, European Space Agency, Head of the Security Office - International cyber security: why is there an emergency!
, Heads CEIS, strategic and risk management consulting company. CEIS is one the organisers of the International Cyber Security Forum (FIC) - Blockchain and Cybersecurity: what role for the Postal Operators?
, Blockchain & Traceability Director, La Poste - Blockchain: security by design, enabling new trust models
, Responsible for the Blockchain Business at IBM, France