Medicines of the Future, How to sustain pharmaceutical innovation and improve access and affordability ?
The future of healthcare in Europe depends on its sustainability and flexibility. The European Union (EU) is responsible to approach sustainability through a cost-effective framework that should minimize inequality within and across national boundaries. Flexibility is a consideration of accessibility for all patients, including those carrying rare diseases. In both these objectives, quality is key. Quality in vaccines and other medicines solutions requires months, if not years, of research and development (R&D) coupled with extended periods of rigorous testing. These could be considered barriers to innovation, though these costs ensure that only the very best products are released to patients. However as competition in the medicines R&D decreases, success rates in the deployment of medicines also declines. This means European patients are left with fewer medicines and generally higher costs. The European Commission is acutely aware of the need to redistribute these costs while continuing to motivate large amounts of investment in R&D. The solutions explored in this issue of The European Files maintain patient involvement in innovation as central to a more effective medicines development policy…
- Gearing up to address the challenges of future pharmaceutical innovation
, Minister for Health, Malta - Ensuring universal and affordable access to safe and innovative medicines
, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety - Citizens’ access to pharmaceutical innovations
, Spanish Minister for Health, Social Services and Equality - Keeping the focus on patients’ wellbeing – how regulatory tools can help patients in need to access new medicines earlier
, Executive Director of EMA - Towards a new concept: Value Informed and A ordable prices for medicines
, Professor of Health Economist, Ghent University - EU incentives for Innovation in pharmaceuticals – especially needed for human antibiotics
, (EPP Group), Member of the ENVI Committee - Paediatric Regulation – A Better Application for More Efficient Incentives
, Member of the Brussels and Paris Bar Partner, Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP - Paediatric Drugs: Improving Regulation for Better Application
, MEP (S&D), Member of the ENVI Committee - Medicines play an important role in the lives of the citizens
, MEP (S&D), Member of the ENVI Committee – Rapporteur of the European Parliament own initiative (INI) report on Access to Medicines. - Investment and incentives in 21st century pharmaceutical research in Europe: the cost of opportunity
, Deerfield Management Director of Market Access - Vaccines and public health: how to find the right balance between access, a ordability and innovation ?
, Head of Global Vaccines Public Affairs for Polio, Pertussis and Hib Vaccines – Sanofi Pasteur
, Vice President, Head Global Regulatory A airs – Sanofi Pasteur - Reaping the benefits of healthcare biotechnology in Europe
, Secretary General of Europabio - Delivering next generation of immuno-oncology therapies in managing cancer
, Medical Director Clinical Development, Innate Pharma
, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Innate Pharma - European Reference Networks: a way forward in the treatment of rare diseases
, MEP, Vice-President of the EPP Group, member of the ENVI Committee - Open Innovation for a Strong R&D network
, MEP(ALDE Group), Member of the Committee ITRE - A tale of two horizons – patient access in the age of innovation
, Director Healthcare Systems European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations - The Innovative Medicines Initiative – putting patients at the centre
, IMI Executive Director - Ensuring equal access and catering to the needs of patients in smaller EU Member States
, MEP (EPP Group), Substitute of the ENVI Committe – EP Presidency Member (Quaestor) - Access to Quality Care: The Patients’ View
, EPF Secretary General - The Importance of Involving Patient Organisations in Health Technology Assessment
, Director, European Cancer Patient Coalition
, Head of EU Affairs, European Cancer Patient Coalition - Increased transparency in development and pediatric medical research processes
, MEP (S&D), Member of the ENVI Committee - Incentive innovation and research in the medicines to boost the competitiveness
, MEP (S&D), Vice-Chair of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy - Access to Medicines at Sustainable Price: Pharma Industry and Governments Transforming Challenges into Opportunities
, Interview of Jacek Glinka, President, Medicines for Europe - What about access and a offordability of medicines in the WHO European region
, WHO Regional Director for Europe - Should affordability come from the European legislator?
, MEP (S&D), Member of the ENVI Committee - Ensure that new treatments will reach patients equally in every corner of the EU”
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committe - A positive agenda for better and affordable medicines in Europe
, Policy Manager for Universal Access and A ordable Medicines, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)