The COP21 and the resulting Paris Agreement outlines an objective to ensure sustainable human progress and economic growth across the world. This objective to limit the increase in global average temperature well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels is born out of a necessity to minimize the losses from extreme and changing weather patterns, frequent natural disasters and added stress on our natural capacity to grow as a civilization. Achieving this pragmatic commitment requires a complete rethinking of our energy production and consumption. Gradually eliminating the global dependence on non-renewable energy sources is just one avenue to limiting the worst effects of climate change. However, the harsh reality requires a more comprehensive approach to solving this global problem; in response, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has identified a more impactful avenue of progress: energy efficiency. Through this concept, we hope to create an improved ecosystem of reliable, cost-saving and sustainable energy sources and distribution. Within this system, the gains in efficiency and productivity can represent its own energy source. The European Commission has demonstrated particular receptivity and proactivity to this new conceptualization of energy consumption and is leading the political dialogue in reclassifying energy efficiency as a primary source of energy for the continent.
- A new ambition for energy efficiency in Europe
, Commissioner Climate Action &
Energy, European Commission - The Energy Efficiency Directive and the goal for
the EU to reach its 2020 energy efficiency target
, Bulgarian Deputy Minister for Energy - Towards a carbon-free transport sector
, Minister of Infrastructure and
Water Management, Netherlands - Energy efficiency is one of the key dimensions of
the EU ́s energy union strategy
, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the
ITRE Committee, EP rapporteur on EED - Why European buildings hold the key to
an energy efficient Europe
, MEP (EPP Group) – Rapporteur for the
revision of the Directive for Energy Performance of Buildings - Putting energy efficiency first:
the key for a competitive energy transition
, Director-General, DG ENERGY,
European Commission - Energy efficiency first: a sure bet!
, CEO of ENGIE - Energy efficiency first –
but keep the saving-targets realistic
, MEP (EPP Group), Shadow Rapporteur
on energy efficiency directive review - Achievement of a net-zero carbon economy by 2050:
The strong Parliament’s energy stance
, MEP (Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance), Member of the ENVI Committee, Rapporteur on the Governance of the Energy Union - Our road to Paris starts with renovating our buildings
, Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain - Energy efficiency, a real economic and
societal challenge for Europe
, MEP (Greens/EFA Group), Shadow
Rapporteur on energy efficiency directive review, Member of
the ITRE Committee, Vice-Chair of the ENVI Committee - Energy Efficiency First: a golden rule for a Paris agreement-compliant Energy Union
, CEO, Veolia Northern Europe - Facilitating the energy transition
with european standards
, Director General, CEN-CENELEC - Making the efficient transition happening
, Secretary General of Eurelectric - Energy efficiency first means citizens first
, MEP (ALDE Group), Vice-President of the ITRE Committee - Energy efficiency of buildings should help to structurally reduce fuel poverty
, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ENVI Committee - Cogeneration – putting Energy Efficiency
first across the whole energy value chain in Europe
, Managing Director of COGEN Europe, the European association representing the simultaneous generation of electricity and heat (cogeneration). - Unlocking investments into energy efficiency –
on the need to match policies to the reality
, Head of Group Communication at Danfoss - Energy efficiency market will invigorate the EU economy, boost growth prospects and benefit European citizens
, MEP (S&D Group), Vice-Chair of
the ITRE Committee - Renovation and retrofitting:
the priorities of construction SMEs and crafts
, President, European Builders Confederation EBC - Energy-efficient buildings, renovation of buildings consequently reduce bills for consumers, fight against social inequalities
, MEP (S&D Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - Energy Efficency policy: Improving public
health and environmental protection
, MEP, (Group S&D) Member of the ENVI
Committe, ENVI Rapporteur on the Energy Efficiency Directive - Energy Efficiency: A crucial policy to fulfil
our climate commitments
, MEP (EPP Group), Member of the ITRE Committee - How Innovation will help reach the Energy Efficiency Directive target by 2030
, Chief Executive Officer, InnoEnergy - System efficiency – hydrogen: enabling a decarbonised, stable and resilient economy
, Secretary General of Hydrogen