New energy market design
Today’s energy market is fundamentally different from the one of five years ago. Along with an ambitious Energy package, the European Commission will propose a new Market Design initiative to respond adequately to the rapid evolution of the electricity market. Implementation of the Paris Agreement is now at the forefront of decision-making. These new challenges revolve around incorporating more renewables in energy grids. This reform is essential for building a more performant market allowing consumers to play a more active role. Security not only depends on the mitigation of external threats but also on a strong and responsive market. Europe’s energy prices must remain competitive to ensure a bright future for its consumers. All of these concerns must be addressed by a new Energy Market design. This measure is important for the long-term success of a secure, sustainable, and competitive Energy Union.
- Investment in a European Energy Market to Benefit its Citizens
, Minister of Economy, Slovakia - Leveraging the Internal Energy Market: our greatest asset towards flexibility, security and decarbonisation
, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy - Competitive markets in the New Energy Market Design
, Commissioner for Competition - The challenges of the Market Design Initiative
, Rapporteur on the EP own-initiative report “Towards a New Energy Market Design” - Re-Powering improving the electricity market framework for the transition to a low-carbon power system
, Executive Director of IEA - A view of energy market design from the United States
, Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission - Regional cooperation at the heart of a secure, sustainable and competitive energy market
, Director General of DG Energy, European Commission - Gas and Renewable Energies, the Best Allies for Generating Power
, Chairman and CEO of TOTAL - When hidden costs make market fail
, MEP (Greens) Shadow rapporteur on the EP own-initiative report “Towards a New Energy Market Design” - Getting the electricity market design right to win the challenge of the low-carbon transition
, President of EURELECTRIC - How energy markets can integrate
, Vice President, European Investment Bank - National Transmission System Operators (TSO), providing strength through unity for the European electricity market
, CEO of RTE - Challenges of National Coordination for an integrated energy market
, MEP (ALDE), Vice-Chair of the ITRE Committee - Regional Cooperation – it is in our DNA
, Chief Technical Officer of Amprion Energy market design: yes but with no electric myopia!
, Deputy Company Representative to the EU institutions, Veolia - “Challenges of the IT-Smart Grids on reaching their full potential in the Energy Market”
, MEP (EPP), Member of the ITRE Committeee - How can the Energy Market Design empower citizens?
, MEP (S&D), ITRE Member - Putting Consumers at the Centre of a Changing Energy Sector
, President of CEER and Chair of CEER’s General Assembly, and is also Chair Of the Board of Regulators at ACER - Making the way to prosumers
, MEP- Movimento 5 Stelle – Italy – EFDD - Consumers deserve a better energy market
, Director General of BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation - Toward a new market design: enhancing competition and security of supply for the success of energy transition
, CEO and co-founder of Direct Energie - From COP21 to COP22: it’s time to deliver
, MEP (S&D), Vice-chair of the ENVI committee - What role can energy efficiency play in the security of supply in Europe?
, President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE) - Investment infrastructure for network companies
, Partner OFGEM - “An electricity market that serves the needs of a competitive EU industry”
, President of IFIEC Europe - New Energy Market Design? In fact, we have no other option
, MEP (ALDE), Vice-Chair of the ALDE Group - Hydrogen and its role in the New Energy Market Design
, Secretary General of Hydrogen Europe - Energy storage recommendations for Energy Market Design
, Secretary General , EASE - System flexibility is smart and competitive
, Executive Director | Smart Energy Demand Coalition - Scarcity prices are an important ingredient to the market design
, Chairman of the Management Board, EPEX SPOT