
Recycling in Europe, the future of raw materials

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      Recycling in Europe? Momentum is building around the Circular Economy. The objective is to increase resource efficiency while reducing waste and pollution, including through ecological design. Last December, the European Commission introduced a Circular Economy package to promote this transition. The package consists in an Action Plan and timeline complemented by Directives for the European Union (EU). The principles of this package are deeply rooted in a need to strengthen the European Union’s efficiency and resilience in an increasingly dynamic world economy. This is presented as the natural result of a discourse set by the Commission in 2012 with the publication of Manifesto for a Resource Efficient Europe. An economic model works best when it benefits all actors involved; through this action plan, the EU must also strive for an economy that provides secure jobs for its citizens. This is also an opportunity to lead the international community in the commitments made towards achieving the goals set by the COP21.

      This issue of The European Files provides an insight into the major proponents driving the Circular Economy. Central to the EU’s vision is its ability to push legislation for a more transparent, effective and standardized approach to recycling….

      • The Circular Economy package
        Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime A airs and Fisheries
      • Waste as resource: an unavoidable choice
        Simona Bonafé, MEP (S&D, ENVI), Rapporteur on the revision of the Waste directives/Circular Economy package
      • Ambition and realism – key ingredients for a future-oriented waste policy
        Daniel Calleja Crespo, DG ENVI, European Commission
      • Time for change
        Karl-Heinz Florenz, MEP (EPP, ENVI), Shadow Rapporteur on the revision of the Waste directives/Circular Economy Package
      • Driving the shift to a Circular Economy
        Nils Torvalds, MEP (ALDE, ENVI Subst.) Shadow Rapporteur on the revision of the Waste directives/Circular Economy Package
        Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, MEP(ALDE, ENVI), Shadow rapporteur on 2015 Resolution on Ressource efficiency: moving towards a circular economy
      • A paradigm shift to sustainable financing
        Sirpa Pietikäinen, MEP (EPP, ENVI), Rapporteur on 2015 Resolution on Resource efficiency: moving towards a circular economy
      • Time to make a decisive difference for recycling in Europe
        Emmanuel Katrakis, Secretary General, European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC)
      • Rethinking the Future of Plastics in Europe
        Rob Opsomer, New Plastics Economy Lead, Ellen MacArthur Foundation
      • Maximize the Potential of all Materials and Products with Use in Our Daily Lives
        Miriam Dalli, MEP (S&D, ENVI)
      • Waste recovery and recycling for sustainable construction
        Cédric de Meeûs, Group Head Public A airs, LafargeHolcim
      • Kick-starting the Circular Economy! 20 What legislative orientations to tap EU’s recycling potential?
        David Berman, Head of EU Public A airs, VEOLIA
      • The role of biowaste in the emerging circular economy
        Mark Demesmaeker, MEP (ECR, ENVI), Shadow Rapporteur on the revision of the Waste directives/Circular Economy package
      • Establishing the three R’s economic paradigm: Reducing consumption of resources, Re-using and Recycling
        Gilles Pargneaux, MEP (S&D), Vice-Chair of the ENVI Committee
      • Today’s products are the raw materials of tomorrow
        Stephane Arditi, Products & Waste Policy Manager, EEB
      • The recovery of secondary raw materials, a crucial issue for our companies!
        Francoise Grossetête, MEP (EPP, ENVI), Vice-President of the EEP group
      • ICT Industry success stories of using recycled plastics: DIGITALEUROPE publishes report
        John Higgins, Director General of DIGITALEUROPE
      • Circular economy – from building blocks such as better recycling and resource-efficiency to system-wide changes in the entire product chain
        Benedek Jávor, MEP (Greens/EFA), Vice-Chair of the ENVI Committee
      • Marketing will promote the use of raw materials from recycling
        Sébastien Petithuguenin, General Manager of Paprec Group
      • The recycling of all household packaging in France
        Jean Hornain, General Director of Eco-Emballages
      • Lifting the job potential in repair activities
        Jo Leinen, MEP (S&D, ENVI Subst.), Chair of the ENVI Committee 2009-2012
      • Food waste Prevention: in the heart of the circular economy
        Angélique Delahaye, Delahaye, MEP (EEP, ENVI, AGRI Subst.)
      • How to handle hazardous waste in a circular economy?
        Nicolas Humez, Chairman of HWE
      • Recycling? Time for being ambitious
        Joan Marc Simon, Executive Director, Zero Waste Europe