Stimulating the innovation through of the PPP’s
Economic development and the creation of jobs represent an ongoing requirement and one of the greatest challenges for the future.
There is a clear need for investments. In the light of the fast technological development coming from many emerging areas, EU investments in R&I are primarily needed.
The private sector takes this issue up to ensure the business activity. But the necessary funds are too high in some fields. In the same time, if different entities spend funds with the same purpose there is the risk of waste of financial resources. This can be avoided with public-private partnerships (PPP).
The EU must be competitive in the global marketplace.
Combining the efforts of stakeholders from a particular field is the most efficient solution to provide our competitiveness.
There is a need of financing the implementation of the research results. This step is always the most costly one. A Joint Undertaking (JU) could complete this step for the benefit of both EU and JU bodies. The current experience with JU showed that the system is efficient.
We need to continue directing the EU funds to current and new JUs.
JUs stimulate innovation by financing large-scale, longer term and high-risk research. Due to the research programs developed by JUs, the EU becomes an attractive place for investment and innovation.
JUs stimulate the participation of companies, universities, SMEs, laboratories which substantially increase the chances of positive results. Moreover, JUs can conclude agreements with regions, covering in this way specific priorities to develop smart specialisations.
The stimulation of innovation is done by establishing the area of JU and by selecting research directions. These directions should be either of general interest to ensure results in European matters (Example: SESAR, Shift2rail, Clean Sky) or industrial areas where the com- petitiveness of the EU is a matter of security (ECSEL, ITER).
An European area where a JU can provide in the future results for a general European interest is defence and security. A common action towards this direction can generate an efficient use of investment in this field. The results would ensure a higher and yet equal level of security for all the EU citizens.
The new JTI, which I hope to be transformed into a JU for space industry,
will stimulate innovation in a field where it is vital for EU to be competitive.
Space technology has already a high share in the EU GDP and in the future this share will become even more relevant. The satellite systems need to be modernised and secured. There is a need for innovation in order to keep up with the other space powers.
The third field is the one with direct impact for the citizens (IMI, Bio Based industries) and which I think that can be extended in the future.
I believe that the creation of a JU which deals with methods of detection and prevention of illnesses at early stages would stimulate innovation in this field. In the same time, it would allow IMI to be more efficient when it comes to medicines.
Selecting the research directions within every JU is also a driver for stimulating innovation.
The need for results, as well as the number of citizens for which the results would have a positive effect are elements which stimulate research/innovation.
In every field there are needs which have to be prioritised based on transparent criteria and financed through open and competitive calls for proposals.
The participation of SMEs is extremely important. SMEs flexibility, the capacity to adapt, and the interest for innovation these are arguments for an increased involvement of SMEs in the JU projects.
The future needs to validate the results obtained until now by allocating necessary funds to continue the activity of existing JU and by establishing new JUs in fields which can ensure the competitiveness of the EU.
The efficiency and the added value of money invested in research need to be measured in results that are implemented in economy.
I believe that JUs represent the best solution to stimulate innovation in the EU and to maximise the results of investments made with European money.